Procurement law, i. e. the law governing the award of public contracts, has gained significance over the past few years. It includes the entirety of the strongly formalised rules and provision prescribing a particular course of action to be taken by the government and its authorities and institutions in procuring services or purchasing goods from the market.
This field of law which in the European Union is dominated by European Directives on procurement is governed in Germany mainly by the Public Procurement Ordinance and the Act against Restraints of Competition, supplemented by the Public Procurement and Contract Regulations and the public procurement acts of the Federal States.
In the field of public procurement law, BDKD acts both on the part of the tendering entity and on the part of the bidders. In this context, the firm advises public sector principals in the preparation of a tender and the performance of the award procedure. Bidders are advised with a view to their participation in the tender and, if applicable, BDKD examines the possibility to obtain legal protection for them. In the event of a review proceeding before the Awards Chamber or the Procurement Division, the firm represents the clients in Court. Apart from that, the firm assists in contract negotiations and prepares legal opinions concerning procurement law issues.